Wednesday, January 7, 2009

End of the Week... and MiTa1

Well, we're pretty close to being done with the first week!


Are we all up to WC so far? I am, but might be a little behind after today since I'm starting a brand new section and don't know how it's going to work... I know I don't want it to end up like the last section though, which turned out horrible.

So last night I told you all that I'd have a MiTa for you to do.

I didn't even know what it was until last night when my brain formed something... thankfully :)

Don't worry, it's not at all hard.

Although it may not be literally the end of the week (saturday) for us, it's the end of our first week of TWE. So what I want you to do is have your character give a reason why he or she likes (or maybe even dislikes) the end of the week. It could be something trivial or something huge (there's free lattes at the coffee shop on Saturday nights, or your character gets a break from work school, etc). Use your imagination, and share what you came up with! I'll be posting something like this on the forum today as well. Since not everyone is going to find out about the MiTas at the same time, you have exactly 24 hours to complete it from the time you found out about it, that way even if you don't check this until the day after I post it, you still can do the MiTa.

Let's raise our lattes to the end of the first week!!!




Anonymous said...

The end of the week means the weekend is nigh, and schedules change. Expectations are different then, and excuses become far thinner. Maybe I should just change my work schedule. People don't notice when you're not there on a Tuesday when they're busy with their own lives. Yes, that's what I shall do.

Anonymous said...

The end of week for Adyzin means he can adopt a lazy adittude. He doesn't need to instruct his classes of Renegades-in-training. Another benefit of the weekend is less abuse/training from Chantz. Other than that, the weekend means more food.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

For Keira the end of the week means spending time with her mother... which is not fun. Hopefully she can sneak out to Veronica's with a little luck...

Kyleian said...

For Beth... it means going up to the attic with her brother Malachi and searching in boxes...
No sleeping in, however, with farm chores to be done. ;)

AnnaRose said...

For Seth, it means the same old drudgery of working. As part of the working class he doesn't get weekends off on his world. Ever.