Wednesday, December 3, 2008

About the Writing Endeavor

So the reason why you’re reading this or are even on this blog in the first place is because you want to find out what this seemingly terrifying thing is that I'm calling the Writing Endeavor. 

Am I right? 

I thought so :) I enjoy being right.

Well since that’s the case, why don’t you grab a cozy chair to sit in along with whatever else makes you happy, that way you can be comfortable while I ramble on and on. 

Are you ready? 

Here we go... 

Okay, I’ll answer the questions in the basic 'five W's and an H' format which is also known as "who, what, when, where, why, how" to those of you who are unfamiliar with that term.

 WHAT is the writing endeavor? The writing endeavor is a year long "program" of sorts that I’m challenging myself and my fellow writers to. We’ll write as much as we can in as many different ways as possible. It will mostly consist of fiction stories, but we’ll throw in some journaling, blogging, songwriting, poetry, etc...  That way we can be sure of broadening our gift of putting words onto paper. We'll keep track of those words so we can look back at the end of the year and be proud that we really used that God-given gift that we call writing. Each of the 12 months will have one big challenge that will last for that month, along with smaller tasks that will change from week to week or even daily. 

WHEN is it going to happen? The writing endeavor will cover a time span of a year and will be held during the 365 days of 2009, starting at 12:00am on January 1st, and ending on December 31st at 11:59pm. I know that any of you who have done any sort of writing challenge like this are thinking "Oh great, it's a long term NaNoWriMo." But unlike nanowrimo, we are not going to neglect our lives for the whole of 2009 like we do once a year during November. We WILL pay attention to our lives still while doing a lot of writing... or at least, attempt to keep on top of things outside of TWE. Also, you don’t have to do every task, you can pick and chose the ones that suit your schedule best, but I highly recommend doing as many as you can. 

WHO does it involve? Hopefully, you who are reading this! Anyone who loves to write and wants to use that talent to the fullest is called to unite and write... sorry, that was cheesy, but it rhymed so I couldn't resist :) Even if you haven't had much experience writing, you are welcome to join in the fun! It's all ages, doesn't matter where you live, what you believe, or who you are :)

WHERE is this taking place? Well, I’m putting this out there for people anywhere! It doesn't matter where you're from because most of it will take place on your computer… actually close to all of it will be on the computer, unless you’re old fashioned like me and like to do your writing in notebooks, despite the fact that it is definitely more tedious that way. I myself am thinking about investing in one of those little word processor things, considering that they're much more reasonable than a laptop. My brain is pleading with me not to give up my notebooks though, so we'll see who wins ;)

WHY is this happening? Well, great writers love to expand their skills, right? And please don’t use the excuse: "Well I’m not a great writer!" because believe me, even if you aren’t, you will become one by the end of this! So this series of tasks is to get us writing anything and everything, to get us to really love that wonderful process of coming up with wild ideas and daring to put them down onto paper for others to see… oh, and if you have a fear of letting others read your work, well, we’re going to fix that! 

So now that I’ve probably scared you away with the basics, I’m sure you're just dying to ask the question: "Well HOW do I get involved?" It’s pretty easy actually... okay so I think it’s a piece of cake because I made it up, but really it is! Just email me, Laura, at: and I’ll help you get started! After you’ve gone against all of your better judgement and taken the leap into preperation for TWE, you will be pounded with suggestions and details from me and everyone else who is helping me carry out this complicated scheme. During that time you’ll probably start to get a little scared, and think about backing out, but we won’t let you *laughs evilly* You’re stuck with us for the rest of the year!!! Hehe… don’t worry, if you decide it’s not your thing or your life gets too busy, you can drop out, but I really encourage you to stick it out and suffer with the rest of us! 

There, those are the basics… I hope now that you know what this is all about and that I’ve horrified you with this lengthy section of information, I hope that you’ll consider joining my friends and I on this journey of literary craziness. I won’t use any adjectives to describe it yet because I don’t know what it will be like! That would be your job… it’s called feedback

Anyway, mull over all this and let me know if you're interested or want to know more by December 20th so me and my crew will know how many people to expect participating, and so all of us can start getting ready and counting down the days until launch time!   




AnnaRose said...

Yay! I'm so excited! :D

Miss Katie said...

I'm so excited as well! This was definately a good idea, Laura, I'm glad you thought of it. :)

I can't wait!!

<3333 Katie

Laura said...

This is going to be amazing, I can just feel it!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll bite.

Sign-up email on it's way...

Looking forward to a year of crazy creativity!

Laura said...

Boris, I'm so glad that you've decided to join! It looks like we're looking forward to the same thing ;)

KeliaMegan said...

Yay! This sounds amazing!!

Ninjela said...

I am most decidedly excited. I need something year-round to keep me going on my writing.

justanotherfan said...

Consider me joined.
I just emailed you a email that said that i couldent figure out how to sign up.(hehe:))

Hannah said...

Hey I'm Hannah from TheRebelution. I read this and my thoughts were "OH NO! I just go through Nanowrimo!"
But it sounds like a lot of fun! And I'm always up for a challenge!
You can count me in for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I;m Cassie R. from the rebelution and I'm so excited!!!! I hope my parents think that this is a good thing for me!

(I LOVE writing!)

Laura said...

Hey Cassie! I hope you can join :D

Anonymous said...

I just sent you an e-mail and I signed up for the forum... I hope that I don;t need a blogspot account to do this.

I'm excited! I've already started writing!


Laura said...

Great to have you on board Cassie!