So how did the first day go? Was it what you expected or not? Did you get any actual writing done, or did you sit there tapping your pen against a blank page (tapping your fingers against the keyboard and staring at a blank screen for you who write on the computer)? I know there were quite a few of us (myself included) who started very unprepared... to those who had things planned a couple weeks ago, way to go!
Thank you to everyone who is embarking on this quest... it wouldn't be nearly as exciting without you all!
364 days of madness left ;)
Doing great! I was able to get a lot of my story planned out before hand, and so I actually was able to write a few paragraphs. Yesterday was a holiday though for us, so I didn't write more. :)
Jay Lauser aka Sir Emeth Mimetes
I'm still not entirely sure what the story is yet, but I know the outcome, the moral and the main players.
Planning was going round in circles a bit, so I forced myself to just stop and write, so that I have produced a touch under 300 words introducing the MC - hopefully once I get to know her better she'll guide me some of the way through the plot.
I'm on the 2nd day and I have almost 2,000 words...going great!
I guess I had better get writing then, Hannah!!!
I got over 2,000 words yesterday, so...Yay!! XD
An idea came to me as I was getting ready for bed, so I set pen to paper and finished 3 pages at about midnight. It seems to be a children's story and I'm quite interested to see where it leads!
I'm glad you came up with something, Sara! And awesome job Kyla!
Why is it that everyone is ahead of me still? I'm only just past 1,000 words!
I don't know where I am word-wise... but I don't think it's very high. :P I don't have a plot completely planned out, and I don't even know what the central conflict will be! But words are flowing, so I'll be alright in the end. This is the way it usually works.
The character is essentially ME, so it should flow ok character wise.
I got my story kind of planned out before, but I just started writing today(the 3rd) because of life.... and I'm at a conference in Kansas City(well, actually two conferences:) and I've been up early, and to bed late... So yeah, I'm tired, but excited to begin writing!!
: )
Anna J
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