Saturday, January 31, 2009

February is almost here!

Well folks, in a little more than 12 hours (depending on what time zone you're in) we'll be leaving January behind and moving onto the second month of TWE. This past month flew by faster than I can type or write and it has been insanely busy, but I think that it was a successful start to this endeavor and to 2009.

I thank you all for being so bold to sign up and I hope that you will continue on with the Writing Endeavor throughout the rest of the year!

With that said, here are a few guidelines for February's task:

1) For those of you doing word count, set yourself a goal that is 3 or more digits and contains at least two 2s (i.e. 220, 2002, 22000). Try to aim high, but don't make it so high that it is unattainable.

2) If you want a specific genre to work in, add in or make your story a love story. It can be love as in romance or love as in a true friendship... and it doesn't necessarily have to be with humans either... animals or made up creatures are acceptable as well.

I can't wait to see what you all come up with!



PS: Just a quick reminder... I will be sending out an email to all you writers tonight asking for your word counts so I can add them up and such. Please respond back as soon as you can to that email because I need to have totals in by tomorrow night at the latest. Thanks everyone!

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